Air-Power Method : Pipe Cleaning
Mosslein offers customers a pipe cleaning service without the use of chemicals or mechanical methods.
Air Power Technology. According to the regulations in place, drinking water must be supplied to consumers without exceeding the parameters provided by the legislation. Due to the wearing of the pipe system, of the biofilm formed on the inside water pipe and of the mineral deposits the quality of the water is diminishing.
Filter Aktive Clean method for removing deposits
Filter Aktive Clean - offers the Mosslein customers the ability to extend the service life of filters in water treatment systems and keep them at high performance.
Metoda folosita de firma Mosslein se realizeaza folosind un mixt de produse chimice care se prepara in funtie de analiza prealabila a materialului fitrant . Produsele chimice se introduc direct in filtru fara a fi nevoie de mutarea materialului fiftrant . Solutiile chimice asigura indepartarea depunerilo de pe materialul filtrant si dezinfectia acestuia .
Pipe Aktive Clean
This technology applies to drinking water pipelines before to be in service or in case of accidental contamination.
Pipe Activ Clean Mosslein uses a mobile installation by which a disinfectant is pumped into the water pipe and depending on the disinfectant used and the customer's wishes the operation can take 2-3 hours or a maximum of 24 hours. After the disinfectant runs into the pipe, water samples are taken to check the effectiveness of the work carried out.
provides customers with a corrosion inhibitor that stops corrosion and mineral deposits from the water pipe and at the same time remarkably improves the quality of drinking water. As a result it stops complaints and increases consumer confidence in the drinking water distribution system.
This technology is easy to apply, does not require special installations, does not need special work protection measures and protects the whole distribution network including the heat exchangers (plates). Folmar is a corrosion inhibitor that forms a thin film on the plates of heat exchangers and on the pipe carrying (hot) water to consumers and on meters that will not block.